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Quick start

Enhance your onboarding experience and quickly get started with LlamaEdge using the following scripts.

Quick start without any argument

bash <(curl -sSfL '')

It will download and start the Gemma-2b model automatically. Open in your browser and start chatting right away!

Specify a model

bash <(curl -sSfL '') --model llama-2-7b-chat

The script will start an API server with a chatbot UI based on your choice. Open in your browser and start chatting right away!

To explore all the available models, please use the following command line

bash <(curl -sSfL '') --model help

Interactively choose and confirm all steps

bash <(curl -sSfL '') --interactive

Follow the on-screen instructions to install the WasmEdge Runtime and download your favorite open-source LLM. Then, choose whether you want to chat with the model via the CLI or via a web UI.